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Jul 19, 2024 NATO, the US and Russia
Jul 14, 2024 Is it legal for Jews to live in Judea?
Jul 5, 2024 The UK General Election
Jun 30, 2024 Another Blow for Ukraine as National Rally Make Gains in France
Jun 24, 2024 How Antisemitism in Canada Relates to War In Israel
Jun 7, 2024 Russia’s Growing Influence In Africa
May 25, 2024 The IDF: Most Moral Army in the World
May 19, 2024 The Old Hatred: Anti Semitism rises further in the West
May 10, 2024 Putin Ascends to the Russian Throne
Apr 28, 2024 A Religious Awakening in Israel!
Apr 19, 2024 Iran Strikes Israel!
Apr 13, 2024 Tensions Reach New Heights in the Middle East
Apr 5, 2024 Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine
Mar 28, 2024 Reflecting on Purim
Mar 15, 2024 Putin, Russia & Gog
Mar 10, 2024 The Myth of the IDF Aid Convoy Massacre
Mar 6, 2024 George Galloway's Election Win a Menacing Sign
Feb 17, 2024 The World Prepares for War and Wakes Up the Might Men
Feb 9, 2024 Israel aim for 'Total Victory' against Hamas
Feb 3, 2024 The Evil of UNRWA Exposed
Jan 18, 2024 The Houthi's and the Bible
Jan 6, 2024 Conflict in the North

Dec 25, 2023 Was Jesus Really a Palestinian?
Dec 17, 2023 How Close is Iran to Nuclear Weapons?
Dec 2, 2023 Russia, Hamas and the changing relationship with Israel.
Nov 26, 2023 Netanyahu: Arab States could contribute to Solving Gaza's Future
Nov 20, 2023 Antisemitism Fanned by the Media
Nov 11, 2023 Terror in Israel - The Bible's Answer of Hope
Nov 4, 2023 Terror in Israel -What does God Think?
Oct 30, 2023 A Religious War against God's People
Oct 20, 2023 Captives in the Coasts of Palestine
Oct 14, 2023 Horrific Invasion and Pogrom By Hamas Terrorists
Oct 13, 2023 Israel at War - Ongoing Updates
Oct 7, 2023 Russia's Destiny Assured in the Collapse of Ukraine
Sep 30, 2023 The War Against Parental and Biblical Influence in Children’s lives
Sep 24, 2023 Netanyahu: We are on the cusp of Saudi-Israel Peace Agreement - Peace in the Middle East?
Sep 16, 2023 Israel a Trade Corridor between East and West
Sep 3, 2023 Pope: You are the descendants of Great Russia!
Aug 26, 2023 “Art thou come to take a spoil”?
Aug 20, 2023 The Global Population Crisis
Aug 13, 2023 How the Barbie Film Erodes Biblical Values
Aug 6, 2023 AUKUS: Largest Military Exercise between Britain, Australia and United States
Jul 30, 2023 The Day of the Temple’s Destruction becomes a Day of Hope
Jul 22, 2023 101 Anniversary of the British Mandate over Palestine
Jul 16, 2023 The Conversion of Russia, the Roman Church and the War in Ukraine
Jul 8, 2023 Operation Beit VeGan! (IDF in Jenin)
Jul 2, 2023 New Push for Israel-Saudi Normalization
Jun 25, 2023 Almost a Coup in Russia?
Jun 18, 2023 Christadelphians and the Jewish Return, a 140 Year Anniversary!
Jun 8, 2023 Pride Month at odds with the Bible
Jun 4, 2023 BRICS Pushes to Create a Multi-Polar World
May 28, 2023 The Biblical significance of Shavuot
May 22, 2023 Divergence of West Bank and Gaza Continue - a Fulfilment of Prophecy
May 15, 2023 The time that Kings go out to Battle
May 8, 2023 Israel Celebrating 75 Years!
Apr 30, 2023 Israel and the Great Media Deception
Apr 24, 2023 Russia Preparing to Attack the West
Apr 14, 2023 France pushes for strategic autonomy from the United States.
Apr 1, 2023 Interview in Jerusalem with Yehudah Glick
Mar 25, 2023 Repealing the Disengagement Law
Mar 16, 2023 The rallying of Tarshish & her young lions
Mar 11, 2023 The Newest Chapter in Israel's War of the Dreams
Feb 24, 2023 Be Thou Prepared
Feb 17, 2023 The Oldest Complete Hebrew Bible goes up for Auction
Feb 11, 2023 A great shaking in the Middle East
Feb 5, 2023 The Ukraine War a Year On
Jan 27, 2023 Scottish Gender Ideology Meets Reality
Jan 23, 2023 Western Europe, America, and the War in Ukraine
Jan 15, 2023 European Union-Palestinian Collaboration
Jan 8, 2023 The Nations United Against Israel

Dec 30, 2022 Netanyahu Returns to Government with Pro-Settlement Allies
Dec 17, 2022 Itamar Ben Gvir and the Rise of Religious Zionism
Dec 11, 2022 Saudi Arabia’s Warming Ties with Israel
Dec 2, 2022 Iran in opposition to Israel
Nov 26, 2022 An Age of Deception
Nov 21, 2022 Russia's Difficulties in Ukraine
Nov 13, 2022 Put Not Your Trust In Princes
Nov 6, 2022 Israeli Elections
Oct 23, 2022 Russia and the Foundations of Geopolitics
Oct 17, 2022 Israel and Lebanon Make Historic Agreement over Disputed Territorial Waters
Oct 9, 2022 Jerusalem a Burdensome Stone
Sep 25, 2022 I will say to the north, Give up!
Sep 15, 2022 God Save The King
Sep 9, 2022 The Legacy of the Queen of Tarshish
Sep 4, 2022 The Russian Bear Comes Out Swinging in Wake of G7 Move to Contain it.
Aug 26, 2022 Russian armed forces set to increase
Aug 21, 2022 Russia in a corner, or ready to pull an ace?
Aug 15, 2022 Technology and the Battle for the Mind
Aug 8, 2022 Operation Breaking Dawn
Jul 31, 2022 Israel Continues to be Settled upon the Mountains of Israel
Jul 25, 2022 The Pope Visits Canada
Jul 17, 2022 Biden's Bizarre Trip to the Middle East
Jul 10, 2022 Dear Mr Putin: 'Let my people go!'
Jun 30, 2022 Tarshish the Leading Voice against Rosh
Jun 20, 2022 Merchant of Tarshish no more? EU-UK Trade war looms as Britain Scraps Parts of Withdrawal Agreement
Jun 10, 2022 Russia's Future Plans: God hath put in their hearts to fulfil His will
Jun 6, 2022 The Jerusalem Day Flag March and its Media Coverage
Jun 1, 2022 Russia Eyes the World’s Food Supply – is Wheat the new Natural Gas?
May 22, 2022 CASE STUDY: Death of Abu Akleh & Antisemitism in the Western Media
May 7, 2022 Russia, Europe, Israel and Gas
Apr 30, 2022 Come Forth Flee from the Land of the North!
Apr 25, 2022 A New Wave of Jewish Immigration to Israel
Apr 10, 2022 Israel’s Growing Peace & Prosperity
Apr 1, 2022 Russia's Bid for the Conquest of Europe
Mar 26, 2022 How a priest turned Putin's invasion to a holy war
Mar 12, 2022 The Tragedy in Ukraine, a Precursor to the Invasion of Israel
Mar 5, 2022 The Rising of the King of Fierce Countenance
Feb 27, 2022 Putin moves into Ancient Russian Lands to Rebuild the Empire
Feb 18, 2022 An Aggressor in the North and a Friend in the South
Feb 13, 2022 Freedom and the Threat of War
Feb 5, 2022 The nations prepare for war
Jan 29, 2022 JPost: Holocaust Remembrance Day ignores Israel!
Jan 23, 2022 The EU looking to build a Security Pact with Russia
Jan 15, 2022 The UN's Final Solution to the Israel Question!
Jan 8, 2022 Russia Overflows into Kazakhstan
Jan 2, 2022 2022: World War III? The Second Coming?

Dec 25, 2021 Handel's Messiah & The Hope of Israel
Dec 17, 2021 Canada Bans the Gospel of Repentance
Dec 8, 2021 Signs of the Times
Dec 5, 2021 An unstable world that is right on course.
Nov 27, 2021 Evacuation from Settlement Geulat Zion
Nov 21, 2021 Journeys and Discoveries at Hebron the city of Faith
Nov 13, 2021 The Real Solution to the Problem of Climate Change
Nov 7, 2021 The Modern Agenda in Public Education
Oct 29, 2021 The Bible and Halloween
Oct 25, 2021 Russia Chains Europe with Gas pricing.
Oct 11, 2021 Tarshish Britain's Relations with the European Nations Continue to Sour
Sep 26, 2021 Russia’s Cold Iron Grip Chokes Europe
Sep 19, 2021 Surprise Developments As the Anglo Saxon World Comes Together to Anger the French
Sep 11, 2021 The 20th Anniversary of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
Sep 3, 2021 The Abraham Accords - One Year On
Aug 30, 2021 Russia looks to Fill Middle East Power Vacuum
Aug 23, 2021 The US Flees Afghanistan
Aug 13, 2021 Antisemitism and Bible Prophecy
Aug 9, 2021 Tanker attacked in Persian Gulf
Aug 1, 2021 The World Uniting Against Israeli Presence in the West Bank
Jul 24, 2021 Freedom for Jews to Worship on the Temple Mount
Jul 18, 2021 Two Incredible Archeological Discoveries with Spiritual Lessons
Jul 3, 2021 Canada's Residential Schools and the Crimes of the Roman Church
Jun 27, 2021 The Rising Power of Rome
Jun 21, 2021 Plethora of Empty PA Houses
Jun 13, 2021 The Deceit of the Media
Jun 5, 2021 Politcal Earthquake In Israel
May 21, 2021 Jerusalem - the burdensome stone
May 16, 2021 Chaos in Israel
May 2, 2021 Open Air Bible Preacher Arrested For Expounding Genesis
Apr 24, 2021 Now is the time for a 'great reset’!
Apr 18, 2021 Ancient alphabetic writing from Tel Lachish and the historicity of Moses
Apr 9, 2021 Increased Russian aggression on the borders of Europe
Apr 4, 2021 Is Russia's Vaccine Diplomacy winning the Hearts and Minds of the EU?
Mar 28, 2021 The Latin Pope Receives the Prime Minister of Ukraine
Mar 14, 2021 Catholic Ireland
Mar 7, 2021 The Pope, Iraq, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and the Abraham Accords
Feb 27, 2021 Places Everyone: Russia & Iran and Israel and Saudi Arabia Form Military Alliances
Feb 12, 2021 Russian activity - a sure sign of the times
Feb 6, 2021 Making Israel Great Again
Jan 31, 2021 Biden Pushes Israel and Arab States Closer
Jan 17, 2021 Freedom of Speech and the Gospel
Jan 9, 2021 Brexit is Complete! Rioters Storm US Capitol Building.
Jan 2, 2021 A Woman Arrayed in Purple and Scarlet

Dec 19, 2020 Is it a ‘Hate Crime’ to own a Bible?
Dec 14, 2020 Two More Countries Normalize Relations with Israel - Israel Heading towards Peace and Safety?
Dec 9, 2020 The EU Reacts When Israel Defends Itself
Nov 21, 2020 The Merchants of Tarshish
Nov 13, 2020 The Basest of Men - Why Joe Biden?
Oct 23, 2020 The Latter Days - Our Time
Oct 12, 2020 The Conflict Between Azerbaijan and Armenia
Oct 6, 2020 Yom Kippur and a World of Uncertainty
Sep 26, 2020 Prosperity is Coming to Israel, a sure sign of Christ’s Return!
Sep 18, 2020 Those that are at Rest Dwelling Safely - The Abraham Accords
Sep 12, 2020 The Sons of Abraham Re-Unite
Sep 8, 2020 World Relations with Israel Continue to Improve Including First Muslim Embassy in Jerusalem
Aug 22, 2020 The Character of the Coming Northern Empire
Aug 16, 2020 A Political Earthquake Brings Seismic Change to the Middle East
Aug 1, 2020 America is Pulling Troops Out of Germany Paving the Way for Russia's Grand Move
Jul 19, 2020 Russia's Claim on Istanbul and the Hagia Sophia
Jul 10, 2020 The controversy of the annexation of the mountains of Israel
Jun 28, 2020 The Battle to Crush the Rise of Jerusalem will not Succeed
Jun 19, 2020 Morality
Jun 14, 2020 Libya with them – Russia becomes a Guard to its ally in Libya
May 31, 2020 Brexit: The Forgotten Time-Bomb Ticking behind COVID-19?
May 26, 2020 The Push for Israeli Sovereignty is Getting a Reaction!
May 17, 2020 Unlikely Prophecies Fulfilled
May 8, 2020 The Continued Witness of Israel
May 3, 2020 Corona Virus - A Christadelphian Response
Apr 25, 2020 The Angels Work Through CoronaVirus to Reshape the World's Economy.
Apr 12, 2020 Coronavirus: The Dangers of the Asian Wet Markets Identified in the Law of Moses 3000 Years Ago!
Apr 6, 2020 King of the North and King of the South Contend
Mar 27, 2020 Psalm 91
Mar 21, 2020 “None of you shall go out at the door of his house"
Mar 15, 2020 Russia and the Coronavirus
Mar 7, 2020 Russia and Turkey Announce PEACE, the Bible Reveals for WAR
Mar 1, 2020 Anti-Semitism in Europe
Feb 23, 2020 Events on the Mountains of Israel
Feb 15, 2020 A New Virus Spreads Across the World
Feb 7, 2020 Fearful of What’s Happening to Our World
Jan 31, 2020 Brexit - Tarshish sets sail from Europe
Jan 30, 2020 "Behold the Bridegroom Cometh!" Brexit, Iran, Russia and Israel
Jan 27, 2020 Trump and Netanyahu set to "Make History" as they unveil "Deal of the Century"
Jan 11, 2020 A Record Breaking Deluge of Rain in Israel
Jan 4, 2020 US Drone Strike Puts Middle East on High Alert

Dec 23, 2019 The Ayes Finally Have it in Britain: Brexit set for January 31st
Dec 13, 2019 Tarshish Getting Brexit Done
Dec 8, 2019 Unintended Consequences of Israel’s Hung Parliament
Nov 30, 2019 The Resurrection of Religious Russia
Nov 23, 2019 US: It Isn't Illegal for Jews to Live in Judea
Nov 16, 2019 The Holy Alliance Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Nov 9, 2019 NATO is Brain Dead, Europe Looks to Russia for Strategic Alliance.
Nov 3, 2019 Uprisings and Turmoil Grip the Middle East
Oct 19, 2019 Brexit: Remainers are right, Brexit will lead to Armageddon!
Oct 6, 2019 The Trumpet Calls Israel to Prayer in the Midst of a Storm
Sep 28, 2019 A Return to the Land of Israel After 10 Years
Sep 19, 2019 Destination Tarshish for Tea, Toast and Tin!
Sep 13, 2019 September 11, 2001 - A Prophetic Milestone
Sep 5, 2019 Brexit twists and turns
Aug 30, 2019 Britain’s Exit from Catholic Europe, and Russia’s Entrance!
Aug 24, 2019 Britains Rocky BREXIT Road
Aug 16, 2019 As Russia & Iran Strengthen Ties, Some Expect Rapture
Aug 12, 2019 The Controversy of Judah and Jerusalem
Aug 3, 2019 Wake up the Mighty Men of War
Jul 26, 2019 The Mountains of Israel: What and Where are they?
Jul 21, 2019 The new EU commission president
Jul 6, 2019 Earthquakes as the Pope Meets Putin
Jun 29, 2019 Middle East at the Boiling Point
Jun 17, 2019 Is Britain's Future Relationship with the EU to be Friend or Foe?
Jun 8, 2019 Tarshish & Her Chiefest Lion
Jun 2, 2019 Jerusalem Day and Archaeology
May 26, 2019 On the Brink of War in the Middle East
May 18, 2019 Is Canada's Embassy Moving to Jerusalem Soon?
May 12, 2019 Events in the Eastern Mediterranean Signal Christ's Return
May 6, 2019 A National Day of Prayer as Antisemitism Rears its Ugly Head
Apr 28, 2019 Next Year in Jerusalem
Apr 20, 2019 Trump Peace Plan Details Emerging
Apr 13, 2019 Netanyahu Re-elected Vowing to Annex Jewish Areas of the West Bank
Apr 1, 2019 Brexit, America and Israel
Mar 22, 2019 Brexit and the moment of decision
Mar 16, 2019 Is Britain on the Edge of the Abyss?
Mar 4, 2019 Seeing Promises Being Fulfilled: 
Feb 24, 2019 Papal Sin: Abuse and Anti-Semitism
Feb 18, 2019 Changing Alliances
Feb 8, 2019 Brexit Hell
Jan 31, 2019 Russia's recovery from the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR
Jan 20, 2019 Britain and Brexit in Crisis
Jan 13, 2019 Ethiopia With Them
Jan 4, 2019 2019 Crisis Britain?

Dec 29, 2018 Review of 2018
Dec 23, 2018 Britain's Prime Minister May WREXIT but Britain Will Still Leave the EU
Dec 7, 2018 Now Out - 'Part of the Family - The Movie'
Nov 30, 2018 Nervous Neighbours
Nov 25, 2018 Why the Hope of Israel?
Nov 18, 2018 The Most Liberal Pope Ever!
Nov 12, 2018 America and Europe Pulling Apart, as Expected!
Nov 5, 2018 Signs of Our Times Prophecy Day
Oct 30, 2018 Britain & the European Union
Oct 20, 2018 Epic Events in the Biblical Heartland of Israel
Oct 13, 2018 Russia Invades Africa
Sep 28, 2018 Tarshish, Brexit and the ‘Chequers’ plan
Sep 21, 2018 Russia's Largest Military Exercise in History: Russia in Bible Prophecy
Sep 17, 2018 Bringing Jewish Life back to Jerusalem
Sep 9, 2018 A Visit to Israel Confirms the Unstoppable Process Towards the Kingdom of God
Sep 1, 2018 The man of sin in Ireland
Aug 26, 2018 Palestinian Funding Slashed!
Aug 18, 2018 Russia looking for slice of Turkey
Aug 12, 2018 Israel's Nationality Law
Jul 29, 2018 The Nation State Law of Israel
Jul 3, 2018 A First Official Royal Visit
Jun 22, 2018 Britain in Bible Prophecy: Britain’s road to EU exit as required by the Bible
Jun 9, 2018 Enmity Between Vatican and Jerusalem
May 27, 2018 Preparing for war - Russia's new weapons
May 19, 2018 Let Jerusalem come into your Mind:
May 12, 2018 USA Ignites Worldwide Division Over Iran and Hostilities Break Out
May 5, 2018 Special Series: Epic Prophetic Milestones — Israel’s 70th Anniversary
Apr 28, 2018 The Palestinian "Great March of Return"
Apr 21, 2018 Israel’s Next 70 Years Will Shake the World.
Apr 15, 2018 RUSSIA’S REVENGE!
Apr 8, 2018 Britain against Russia - a sign of the times
Mar 25, 2018 The King of the South Contending with the King of the North
Mar 18, 2018 Israel's Political System and God's Plan
Mar 10, 2018 Gas Explosion Erupts Across Europe and in the Middle East
Mar 2, 2018 Jerusalem - The Fight Continues
Feb 15, 2018 Rumblings in the North
Feb 10, 2018 Britain, Brexit, & The Bible
Feb 3, 2018 European Antisemitism & Anti-Zionism
Jan 28, 2018 Abraham makes headlines, but Jerusalem not off the table.
Jan 23, 2018 Israel, India, the United States, and the Gathering Nations as Seen at the UN.
Jan 14, 2018 The developing religious crusade against the Jewish development in Israel
Jan 6, 2018 “PERSIA... With them.”

Dec 28, 2017 A Review of 2017
Dec 23, 2017 UN Vote on Jerusalem Prelude to Armageddon
Dec 19, 2017 Britain in Bible Prophecy and in the World Today
Dec 10, 2017 Jerusalem The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People
Dec 3, 2017 Is Noah's Ark and the Flood a Myth or Biblical History?
Nov 26, 2017 Miracles of Bible Prophecy Coming to Pass in Israel
Nov 11, 2017 Stirring up the King of the South
Nov 3, 2017 Balfour, Britain & the Bible
Oct 28, 2017 Will Brexit be stopped?
Oct 22, 2017 North, South or in Israel Prophecy Fullfilling!
Oct 15, 2017 The United Nations vs. Israel
Oct 7, 2017 The Earth was Corrupt Before God, and the Earth was Filled with Violence
Oct 1, 2017 The Kings of the South Get Cozy with Israel
Sep 16, 2017 Amazing Prophecies and Astonishing Discoveries in Jerusalem Today
Sep 10, 2017 Natural Disasters - why does God allow them?
Sep 2, 2017 Social Media and the Digital Age
Aug 19, 2017 Turmoil in America Rooted to Forgotten Catholic Past
Aug 13, 2017 Russia, Israel and Prayer
Aug 6, 2017 UNESCO’s Warfare Against Jewish History and Culture
Jul 29, 2017 Why did Israel give up the Temple Mount
Jul 16, 2017 Terror in Jerusalem. Again.
Jul 8, 2017 India - the Eastern Tarshish unites with Israel
Jul 1, 2017 Orangemen on the March
Jun 18, 2017 The Developing Northern and Southern Alliances
Jun 11, 2017 Anti-Catholic King-Makers Gain Power in Britain
Jun 4, 2017 "A Time to Build Up"
May 28, 2017 Judah and Jerusalem 1967 plus 50
May 18, 2017 Cracks appearing in NATO
May 16, 2017 Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
May 8, 2017 A Remarkable speech by the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence
May 1, 2017 Trump to visit Jerusalem!
Apr 19, 2017 World A Hair’s Breadth From Nuclear War
Apr 10, 2017 The Hostile Northern and Southern Powers
Apr 1, 2017 The EU Celebrates 60 Years
Mar 27, 2017 Press Release from the West Bank (Judea & Samaria)
Mar 18, 2017 Wake up the Mighty Men of War!
Mar 4, 2017 Canada in Bible Prophecy
Feb 18, 2017 The Failure of the Two-State Solution:
Feb 11, 2017 EU turns to Russia for help with Libya
Feb 6, 2017 Expulsion from Amona
Jan 29, 2017 The "Special Relationship" Between America and Great Britain
Jan 22, 2017 On the Edge of the Kingdom...
Jan 15, 2017 Against the Mountains of Israel
Jan 9, 2017 America in Bible Prophecy

Dec 25, 2016 The Nations United Against Israel
Dec 17, 2016 American Embassy to Move to the Eternal City of Jerusalem
Dec 11, 2016 The Restoration and Controversy of Judah and Jerusalem
Dec 3, 2016 Russia seeks military bases in Libya
Nov 19, 2016 Is America Turning Pro Israel Like Never Before?
Nov 11, 2016 The Destiny of the United States in the Light of Bible Prophecy
Oct 28, 2016 Jerusalem: The City of Controversy
Oct 20, 2016 Halloween and the Bible
Oct 16, 2016 Western Civilisation in Chaos
Oct 10, 2016 The One Year Anniversary of Russia in Syria and "America's loss of Control Over the Eastern Mediterranean"
Oct 2, 2016 Astonishing Archeological Discovery at Lachish
Sep 26, 2016 The United Nations discusses the 1917 and 1967 Jubilees
Sep 16, 2016 Russia to Lead Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks
Sep 10, 2016 The US and UK draw closer post BREXIT to face an aggressive Russia
Aug 28, 2016 Russia and Iran Fulfilling Bible Prophecy
Aug 14, 2016 A Trading Nation Again
Aug 8, 2016 America the Young Lion
Jul 30, 2016 The Decline of Turkey and Bible Prophecy
Jul 19, 2016 Brexit and the Bible - What Next?
Jul 9, 2016 Power As Kings
Jul 1, 2016 Britain's Exit from the European Union
Jun 24, 2016 Britain's Exit From Europe
Jun 18, 2016 Prepare War!
Jun 13, 2016 Hardship in the Holyland
Jun 4, 2016 Romania and Poland now in Russian cross-hairs
May 29, 2016 The Coming Great Jubilee
May 22, 2016 Britain, the Bible & Europe
May 13, 2016 Europe Solidifies as Britain Exits and NATO is threatened by a European Army
Apr 24, 2016 God's Past and Future Deliverance of His People
Apr 9, 2016 Russia’s Next Move on Europe
Mar 31, 2016 The Brussels Terror Attacks
Mar 22, 2016 In the End Israel will Stand Alone, Until...
Mar 14, 2016 Syria, Russia and the Transformed Middle East
Mar 4, 2016 Russia calls for “Partnership of Civilizations” in Europe
Feb 26, 2016 Russia’s new foothold in Egypt
Feb 20, 2016 Catholic Church in Israel blames Jewish State for current Palestinian Violence
Feb 13, 2016 Pope and Patriarch Unite in Christian Crusade with Putin as Champion
Feb 6, 2016 Britain’s relationship with the EU set to change
Jan 30, 2016 Special Prophecy Day: Events in Europe, Russia and Israel
Jan 17, 2016 Britain's Exit from Europe is Inevitable!
Jan 10, 2016 The King of the South Aligning Today
Jan 2, 2016 Common 2015 Theme: Against My People Israel

Dec 28, 2015 The pope’s Message of Peace that Sanctifies War
Dec 20, 2015 Man’s Broken Promises and the Coming of Christ
Dec 9, 2015 The Real Christ
Dec 4, 2015 Incredible Archaeological find brings Bible to Life
Nov 28, 2015 Germany joins France while Turkey pokes the Russian Bear
Nov 21, 2015 Gomer and all his bands with them arise from the ashes of Paris
Nov 14, 2015 Islamic Tsunami Sweeps into Europe:
Nov 5, 2015 Gun Powder Treason and Plot
Oct 31, 2015 The Middle East at Boiling Point
Oct 24, 2015 Hitler and the Palestinians:
Oct 17, 2015 The Vatican Targets the Ancient High Places
Oct 7, 2015 Russia Moves Into Syria - Sign of Christ's Coming
Oct 4, 2015 Cold Blooded Terror in the Land of Israel
Sep 25, 2015 Russia’s surprise move into the Middle East
Sep 19, 2015 A New Species of Human Ancestor?
Sep 9, 2015 The Precious Things Of Egypt
Sep 5, 2015 Russian Jets Over Syria and Bible Prophecy
Aug 21, 2015 Presidential Candidatate - Judea & Samaria are part of Israel, Jerusalem is its capital
Aug 15, 2015 “Religious Zionism Taking Over Israel”
Aug 8, 2015 West Bank Arson and the Defamation of Israel
Aug 3, 2015 Oil Prices and a Changing Middle East
Jul 25, 2015 ISIS and a reason for a northern invasion from Russia
Jul 18, 2015 Abandoning Israel to the Iranian Crocodile
Jul 11, 2015 Greece and the European Union
Jul 4, 2015 Saving Children out of the Holocaust:
Jun 28, 2015 A Day of Muslim Terror
Jun 20, 2015 Yemen, Ukraine, Putin and the Vatican
Jun 10, 2015 The Bible and Truth
Jun 6, 2015 Growing Anti Semitism and the Need for Messiah
May 30, 2015 Vatican Support for Muslim Palestinian Aspirations
May 23, 2015 Sexual Freedom and the War on Bible Morality
May 9, 2015 The UK election in the light of Bible prophecy
May 1, 2015 Russia Fortifies its Position as Europe Dithers
Apr 26, 2015 A Jewish Exodus from France
Apr 19, 2015 Israel & the British Mandate Foreseen:
Apr 4, 2015 Iranian Nuclear Deal Helps Form Arab States into Biblical Mold
Mar 20, 2015 Israeli Election Results: No Palestinian State
Mar 14, 2015 The war between Evolution and the Bible
Mar 7, 2015 A Visit to Shiloh in the Heartland of Biblical Israel
Mar 1, 2015 Israel Floods Gaza
Feb 21, 2015 Russian warplanes buzz Britain:
Feb 14, 2015 The Eastern Tarshish Strengths Ties with Israel
Feb 6, 2015 Jordan in Bible Prophecy
Feb 1, 2015 Muslim Terror and the State of Israel
Jan 23, 2015 Obama Pushes Russia and Iran Together and Divides America
Jan 17, 2015 Paris terror attacks and the rise in European anti-semitism
Jan 3, 2015 Declawing the Russian Bear?

Dec 27, 2014 2014 - A Review
Dec 21, 2014 Farming in Israel and the Restoration of the Jews
Dec 14, 2014 Prophecy Day November 2014
Dec 5, 2014 The False Prophet Croaking out his frog spirit
Nov 22, 2014 Intifada 2014, and the One State Solution
Nov 14, 2014 ISIS and the invasion of Gog
Nov 9, 2014 What Does the Pope Really Believe?
Oct 31, 2014 Bringing the Young Lions into Line
Oct 18, 2014 The REAL Armageddon
Oct 10, 2014 Preparation of the Russian Dragon
Oct 5, 2014 The Battle Against ISIS and Sheba and Dedan
Sep 27, 2014 The Woman Riding The Beast
Sep 21, 2014 The Survival of Britain:
Sep 13, 2014 An Interview with Honest Reporting
Sep 5, 2014 The Rise of ISIS and it's challenge to Russia and the West
Aug 30, 2014 The West Scrambles to Contain Russia
Aug 23, 2014 Sanctify War!
Aug 17, 2014 As the World Turns Against Israel and the Jews, the Hope of Israel is Considered
Aug 12, 2014 Standing up for Israel and the Judgement of Nations
Aug 3, 2014 UNRWA and the Perpetual Hatred
Jul 25, 2014 Israel's Biggest Battle is for the Truth
Jul 21, 2014 "What have ye to do with me... coasts of Palestine?"
Jul 13, 2014 Difficult Times in the Land of Israel leading us to the Coming of The Messiah
Jul 6, 2014 Jerusalem: A Cup of Trembling,
Jun 28, 2014 EU Elects a Federalist President
Jun 21, 2014 Operation Brothers Keeper
Jun 14, 2014 Crisis in the Middle East
Jun 7, 2014 Israel Stands Alone.... Again
May 31, 2014 "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem"
May 25, 2014 The Value of Bible Prophecy
May 18, 2014 The Battle for the Character of the State of Israel
May 11, 2014 The Coming Russian Whirlwind
May 2, 2014 A Coming Vatican Moscow European Alliance
Apr 27, 2014 Fulfilling Prophecy in Russia and Our Response
Apr 19, 2014 Russia's Challenge To Europe - The Crisis is not over
Apr 13, 2014 The Hungry Russian Bear prepares to devour another piece of Ukraine
Apr 5, 2014 Russia’s Grand Move: Ukraine, Europe, Turkey and On To Israel
Mar 29, 2014 Prepare War, Wake up the Mighty Men
Mar 22, 2014 Russia's President Putin and the Gogian Style Rule
Mar 16, 2014 Russia Tightens its Grip
Mar 2, 2014 Tensions Rise after Russia makes a Move into Ukraine
Feb 21, 2014 Growing British ties in the Gulf - Tarshish Sheba & Dedan
Feb 15, 2014 King Abdullah of Jordan meets with Obama
Feb 7, 2014 A Judenrein Palestine
Feb 1, 2014 700,000 Jews living in the 1967 liberated territories of Judea and Samaria (aka The West Bank)
Jan 24, 2014 Riots in the Ukraine expose the growing power of Russia
Jan 18, 2014 Israel, Canada & Bible Prophecy
Jan 10, 2014 Will the Current Peace Talks between Israel and the Arabs Succeed?
Jan 4, 2014 Person of the Year - The False Prophet

Dec 28, 2013 The Origins of the Mass of Christ & the Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy
Dec 21, 2013 “Unpredicted Outcomes” of the Arab Spring
Dec 14, 2013 Even Israel's Kibbutzim are Becoming Religious
Dec 8, 2013 The Canadian Israeli Friendship
Nov 28, 2013 The Geneva Accord Leaves Israel out on a Limb
Nov 23, 2013 An Israeli Alliance with Sheba and Dedan?
Nov 16, 2013 Russia in the Middle East: Return of the Bear.
Nov 9, 2013 Russia Moving in...
Nov 2, 2013 Cyprus & Russia in latter day Bible prophecy
Oct 26, 2013 A Special Sabbath in Hebron
Oct 19, 2013 Birth Rates & New Home Numbers Up in Israel - Sign of God's Hand
Oct 11, 2013 America's Withdrawal Pulls Middle Eastern Countries Together
Oct 5, 2013 Events Worldwide Witness to the Truth
Sep 21, 2013 The Vatican against Israel
Sep 14, 2013 Russia & US agree on Chemical Weapons Resolution
Sep 8, 2013 The USA, Russia and the Vatican involved in a Middle East War
Sep 1, 2013 "Disappearing Palestine" Bus Ads in Vancouver
Aug 20, 2013 The Arab Spring and Democracy
Aug 9, 2013 Drone Attacks in Sheba
Aug 2, 2013 Them that dwell safely...
Jul 20, 2013 Europe VS The Mountains of Israel
Jul 13, 2013 The Burden of Egypt!
Jul 6, 2013 Dramatic turn as Egypt's Muslim Government is Removed from Power
Jun 28, 2013 Operation Eager Lion
Jun 22, 2013 Israel's spoil - reserved for the Northern Invader
Jun 8, 2013 Will Conflict Bring Peace?
Jun 1, 2013 Unrest in the North
May 25, 2013 Conflict in Syria - preparing the way for the King of the North
May 18, 2013 Israel: A Mixed & Confused Nation:
May 4, 2013 The Church of Scotland turns against the return of the Jews and Zionism
Apr 26, 2013 When God Puts and End to an Age
Apr 20, 2013 Israel's 65th Anniversary a Testimony to the Hand of God at Work
Apr 12, 2013 The Papal influence over "the kings of the earth and of the whole world"
Apr 6, 2013 Criticism of Israel and Anti-Semitism
Mar 29, 2013 A World in Turmoil:
Mar 23, 2013 Cyprus- Drawing Russia Down
Mar 16, 2013 A new pope had been elected to lead the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics
Mar 7, 2013 The True Significance of the Passover
Mar 2, 2013 A Scathing EU Report calls for Sanctions on Israel over the Issue of East Jerusalem and the Settlements
Feb 22, 2013 Was Peter the first Pope?
Feb 16, 2013 The Day "God" Resigned
Feb 9, 2013 The Vatican and the Jewish State
Feb 2, 2013 Anti-Semitism and Armageddon
Jan 26, 2013 Preparing the Way in Israel Today:
Jan 18, 2013 Britain to rethink its relationship with Europe
Jan 12, 2013 Showers of Blessing Upon Israel while the Nations Decay
Jan 5, 2013 Watching the Bible in the News in 2012

Dec 22, 2012 Germany's Fourth Reich in Bible Prophecy
Dec 8, 2012 Israel Responds to the UN Vote
Nov 30, 2012 All Nations Against Jerusalem
Nov 16, 2012 The Media's Obsession and Bias with Israel
Nov 10, 2012 The American Election, American Society and Israel
Oct 26, 2012 Sudan preparing for a place in the Gogian Confederacy
Oct 20, 2012 World Events seen Today have been Expected for over a Century
Oct 12, 2012 Iraq Re-Enlists in Gog’s Company
Oct 6, 2012 Riots on the Temple Mount
Sep 28, 2012 The Destruction of the Great Confederacy
Sep 21, 2012 The future of Europe
Sep 15, 2012 Islamic Anti American Uprisings Spread Like Wildfire
Sep 8, 2012 The seeds of holy war in the Middle East.
Aug 31, 2012 Nations call for a New World Order Preparing for Armageddon
Aug 24, 2012 When they shall say, Peace and safety...
Aug 17, 2012 Is the European Debt Crisis getting Boring?
Aug 10, 2012 Let us run with patience the race that is set before us
Aug 3, 2012 I will not make a full end of thee.
Jul 27, 2012 The Good News of The Kingdom:
Jul 21, 2012 The Earth is Filled with Violence
Jul 13, 2012 The Time of the End Prophecied by Daniel and Ezekiel
Jul 6, 2012 Germany Fullfilling God's Will
Jun 29, 2012 In a Political Move Church of the Nativity Gains UN Heritage Status
Jun 22, 2012 Greece and the future of the Eurozone
Jun 15, 2012 Russia on the Road to Triumph!
Jun 8, 2012 Egypt and the Arab Spring
Jun 2, 2012 France returns to its revolutionary roots.
May 26, 2012 Thy Kingdom Come O God, Thy Rule. O Christ, Begin.
May 19, 2012 Time Magazine Crowns Israeli Prime Minister King of Israel
May 12, 2012 Coronation of an Autocrat
May 5, 2012 Who Will Lead Israel?
Apr 28, 2012 Israel Celebrates 64 Years
Apr 21, 2012 Israel To Oppose Iranian Threat
Apr 13, 2012 The Titanic Disaster:
Apr 6, 2012 The Jewish Passover and the Challenge of Hebron
Mar 31, 2012 The Political Roman Catholic Church
Mar 23, 2012 Anti-Semitism Rising Again Entreats Jews to Return to Israel
Mar 16, 2012 As Rockets Land in Israel, we ask: When will there be Peace?
Mar 9, 2012 Dear Mr. Putin... get on with the job!
Mar 2, 2012 The Capture & Trial of Eichmann
Feb 24, 2012 Israel's Moment of Truth
Feb 17, 2012 The Writing on the Wall:
Feb 10, 2012 False Christs, and False Prophets:
Feb 3, 2012 Fomenting Middle East Aligns Nations According to Biblical Blueprint
Jan 27, 2012 International Holocaust Day
Jan 21, 2012 Jericho and Babylon the Great
Jan 13, 2012 Guardians of Israel & Arabia:
Jan 7, 2012 Russia Prepares and Guards its Confederacy

Dec 29, 2011 The Iranian Nuclear Red Line
Dec 24, 2011 The Year of the Protester
Dec 15, 2011 Britain on the Way out of Europe
Dec 8, 2011 Europe in Crisis
Dec 2, 2011 Germany Binds Europe Up in Economic Knots
Nov 25, 2011 "Eurogeddon Approaches":
Nov 13, 2011 The changing face of the Middle East and Coming of the Messiah
Nov 5, 2011 A World United Against Israel
Oct 29, 2011 The Vatican calls for the establishment of a Global Authority
Oct 22, 2011 Arab Spring or Arab Winter
Oct 14, 2011 Iranian Assassination Plot Divides Middle East Along Prophetic Lines
Oct 8, 2011 Putin's Vision: A "Eurasian Union,"
Oct 1, 2011 The Leadership of Europe
Sep 23, 2011 Britain Must Get Out of Europe
Sep 17, 2011 Will there be a Palestinian State?
Sep 10, 2011 Turkey and Israel in Bible Prophecy
Sep 3, 2011 Germany Gaining Control of Europe:
Aug 27, 2011 Is Today's News Propaganda?
Aug 19, 2011 Mideast Turmoil Prepares the Scene for the King of Israel
Aug 13, 2011 The Fire from Within
Aug 6, 2011 Upon the Earth Distress of Nations
Jul 23, 2011 Archaeology & The Hope of Israel:
Jul 16, 2011 The Mountains of Israel & The Apocalyptic Armageddon.
Jul 8, 2011 The Revival of the Hebrew Language
Jul 1, 2011 A Two Faced Germany
Jun 24, 2011 Britain to Get Out of Europe
Jun 19, 2011 The Greek Crisis and the Future of Europe
Jun 10, 2011 Russia Rebuilding Its Military on Oil Profits
Jun 4, 2011 Catholic Pope Grants PLO Leader Abbas another Audience
May 28, 2011 The King James Version and the Revival of Israel
May 23, 2011 Obama Calls for Israel to Withdrawal to the 67 Borders
May 14, 2011 With Osama bin Laden gone, what will Democracy Bring to the Middle East?
May 7, 2011 The Significance of 9-11
Apr 29, 2011 The Protestant Throne of England:
Apr 23, 2011 A Royal Wedding...
Apr 16, 2011 Preparing the Way of the Lord!
Apr 7, 2011 The Man of Sin: Alive, Well and Living in Rome
Apr 2, 2011 Creationism in a Godless World
Mar 26, 2011 The World in Upheaval
Mar 18, 2011 Earthquakes Political and Physical
Mar 18, 2011 Earthquakes Political and Physical
Mar 12, 2011 Anti Semitism & Israel Apartheid Week 2011
Mar 4, 2011 Russia and Germany Emerge as Great Powers
Feb 25, 2011 The English Bible Ahead of The News!
Feb 18, 2011 Political Earthquakes in the Middle East:
Feb 11, 2011 1611 - 2011 The Amazing English Bible Exhibition:
Feb 4, 2011 Egyptian riots point forward to the smiting and healing of Egypt
Jan 29, 2011 2011 - A Year of Arab Revolutions?
Jan 20, 2011 Russia, Israel & The West Bank:
Jan 14, 2011 Europe at an Historic Turning Point
Jan 7, 2011 The Bible in the News!
Jan 1, 2011 Upon the Mountains of Israel - the people of Israel re-inhabit the land promised to their fathers

Dec 25, 2010 The Kingdom of God - Israel or the Church?
Dec 18, 2010 Another Lebanon War on the Horizon?
Dec 18, 2010 Another Lebanon War on the Horizon?
Dec 11, 2010 The Nations Lining Up... As God Said
Dec 3, 2010 The Rising European Empire
Nov 27, 2010 Israel Attacks Iran's Nuclear Sites
Nov 20, 2010 The "Authorized" Bible
Nov 13, 2010 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Targets the New Anti-Semitism
Nov 2, 2010 Prophecy Day MP3 Recordings 2010
Oct 29, 2010 Germany Leads the Beast's Ascension
Oct 16, 2010 Israel's Settlement Plans Unveiled
Oct 8, 2010 India's Phenomenal Economic Growth
Oct 2, 2010 Mediterranean Traders in Britain 3,500 Years Ago...
Sep 24, 2010 Europe’s Reviving Racism – A Sign of God’s Pending Intervention
Sep 17, 2010 The Developing North South Split in the Arab World
Sep 11, 2010 Do Israelis Care About Peace?
Aug 27, 2010 Russia turns up the Heat on the the World Stove
Aug 13, 2010 Beware of Antichrists!
Jul 23, 2010 The King of the South in the Latter Days
Jul 17, 2010 The End of Democracy: Another Futile Election...
Jul 2, 2010 Come and See!
Jun 18, 2010 Britain, Europe and The Economic Crisis
Jun 11, 2010 Did Satan Make Them Do It?
Jun 3, 2010 Israel Stands Alone.
May 29, 2010 Perpetual Hatred Of Israel
May 21, 2010 Mankind Challenges The Great Creator
May 14, 2010 Russia and Turkey... Common Vision?
May 7, 2010 Britain's Muddled Election Result:
Apr 30, 2010 Europe's Debt Crisis Spins out of Control
Apr 23, 2010 Ukraine: Back in the Company of Gog
Apr 16, 2010 A cloud to cover the land!
Apr 9, 2010 The Roman Church Exposed:
Apr 2, 2010 Next Year in Jerusalem, The Rebuilt
Mar 26, 2010 Universal Health Care
Mar 19, 2010 The Land of Milk and Honey
Mar 12, 2010 The war for the Mountains of Israel has Already Started
Mar 5, 2010 Israel Apartheid Week Pokes Almighty God in the Eye
Feb 26, 2010 Our Day in Violent Hebron:
Feb 19, 2010 At The Jerusalem Conference:
Feb 12, 2010 Uncovering the Truth in Jerusalem:
Feb 5, 2010 The Key to World Peace
Jan 28, 2010 Holocaust Remembrance Day
Jan 23, 2010 Haitian Earthquake - A Warning of What Is To Come
Jan 15, 2010 Catholic Bishops Criticize Israel and Focus on East Jerusalem
Jan 1, 2010 Piracy and Prophecy

Dec 24, 2009 The Real Hallelujah Chorus:
Dec 18, 2009 Copenhagen: An Inconvenient Truth
Dec 11, 2009 Let's face the facts, Israel is a semi-theocracy.
Dec 4, 2009 United Europe Speaks: Jerusalem to be Divided
Nov 27, 2009 The Great Catholic Cover-up: Secret Archives of horror.
Nov 20, 2009 Catholic Europe Names First President
Nov 13, 2009 The Fall of the Berlin Wall - Clearing the Way for the Uniting of Europe
Nov 6, 2009 Bonfires and Ecumenism!
Oct 30, 2009 Gathering the Nations Against Israel:
Oct 23, 2009 Archaeology & The Hope of Israel:
Oct 9, 2009 A new Prince of Peace?
Oct 2, 2009 The Nations of the World are Called to Account
Sep 25, 2009 Obama tells the world "The U.S. can't fix it all alone"
Sep 18, 2009 Iran, Europe, and the Retreat of the U.S.
Sep 11, 2009 The Long Term Repercussions of September the 11th
Sep 3, 2009 The Ongoing Struggle for the Holy Land:
Aug 28, 2009 Ukraine - A Battle Ground for European Domination
Aug 21, 2009 False Christendom & The Jews:
Aug 13, 2009 God's Own Heart on the Settlements
Aug 7, 2009 Obama! Let my people grow.
Jul 31, 2009 Iran in Turmoil
Jul 23, 2009 The Decline & Fall of Western Civilization:
Jul 17, 2009 Aliyah, Pipelines and the Return of Christ
Jul 10, 2009 Russia & Pope Call for New World Economic Order
Jul 2, 2009 War Between Iran & Israel?
Jun 26, 2009 Russian Moves
Jun 19, 2009 A Special Prayer Rally is Planned for this Sunday in Jerusalem
Jun 12, 2009 Anti-Semitic Attack in America's Capital
Jun 4, 2009 Obama tours the Middle East
May 29, 2009 Against The Daughter of Zion
May 21, 2009 Jerusalem Day & The Coming Redemption
May 14, 2009 The Head of the Roman Church visits the Jewish State of Israel
May 8, 2009 Emanations from the False Prophet
Apr 30, 2009 Flu, Fear & Faith
Apr 23, 2009 The UN Racism Conference
Apr 17, 2009 The Americans Push for an Arab State in the Heartland of Israel
Apr 10, 2009 President Obama Helps Set the Table for Armageddon
Apr 3, 2009 Egypt - A Base Kingdom
Mar 27, 2009 The Challenge of Militant Islam
Mar 20, 2009 Fool's Heart
Mar 12, 2009 An Interview with Honest Reporting and Teach Kids Peace
Mar 6, 2009 Russia Positions Itself To Guard Europe
Feb 26, 2009 The Economy - Holding on for Dear Life
Feb 20, 2009 The New Israeli Government and Rising Antisemitism
Feb 13, 2009 A New Government for Israel...
Feb 6, 2009 Unholy Democracy in Israel:
Jan 30, 2009 At The Jerusalem Conference:
Jan 23, 2009 Obama - not anyone's Messiah
Jan 15, 2009 United Nations Against "My People Israel"
Jan 7, 2009 A Review of Prophecy Fulfilling in 2008
Jan 1, 2009 Gaza in Bible Prophecy

Dec 26, 2008 The End of Papal Power-- When?
Dec 19, 2008 A Letter From the West Bank & Our Reply
Dec 12, 2008 The Two State Solution, the Churches and Bible Prophecy
Dec 4, 2008 Religious Persecution in the City of Abraham.
Nov 28, 2008 The World Is Not Flat
Nov 20, 2008 Esau's Progeny
Nov 13, 2008 Britain on The Way Out of the European Union?
Nov 6, 2008 The Developing Clash
Oct 30, 2008 America Attacks Syria
Oct 24, 2008 Media Incitement Against the Jewish Settlers
Oct 16, 2008 Prepare war, wake up the mighty men...
Oct 9, 2008 World on the Edge
Oct 3, 2008 The Jewish Population of Judea and Samaria Shows Significant Growth.
Sep 26, 2008 The banking system in America on the brink of collapse.
Sep 18, 2008 Sarkozy Invites the Papacy Back into French Society
Sep 11, 2008 Europe Wobbles as it Pretends to Stand up to Russia
Sep 5, 2008 Rumours of War
Aug 29, 2008 A Tense Situation in the Black Sea as Russia Flexes Its Mid-East Muscle
Aug 21, 2008 The Movements of Russia Predicted in The Bible!
Aug 13, 2008 Russia Invades Georgia
Aug 7, 2008 The Mountains of Israel & The Apocalyptic Armageddon.
Jul 30, 2008 Israel's Prime Minister Resigns
Jul 23, 2008 Britain's Relationship with Israel
Jul 18, 2008 Iranian proxy Hezbollah Exchanges Prisoners with Israel
Jul 11, 2008 The Judgement & Destiny of Nations!
Jul 4, 2008 Bulldozing Peace in Israel
Jun 26, 2008 A World Gone Mad!
Jun 19, 2008 Ireland Votes NO to EU Treaty - What does the BIble Say?
Jun 11, 2008 High Prices at the Pumps Push the Nations into the Middle East
Jun 6, 2008 The Future President of the United States
May 29, 2008 The "Red" Planet
May 21, 2008 Israel Negotiates Peace with the Syrians
May 8, 2008 Israel Celebrates its 60th Anniversary While Russia Changes Presidents
May 1, 2008 Remembering the Holocaust
Apr 24, 2008 "... And Libya With Them"
Apr 18, 2008 The Pope in the USA
Apr 10, 2008 Palestinian Terror Attacks Continue...
Apr 3, 2008 Global Changes May be in the Wind But the Final Outcome is Certain
Mar 28, 2008 Britain's Hatred of Zionism:
Mar 20, 2008 Russia Prepares for Middle East Conference:
Mar 13, 2008 Building the Cities of Judah in the Face of World Opposition
Mar 6, 2008 Jerusalem & the West Bank: What Does the Future Hold?
Feb 28, 2008 Russia Flexes its Military Muscle.
Feb 21, 2008 Jerusalem a Burdensome Stone
Feb 14, 2008 As it was in the days of Noah.
Feb 7, 2008 The Bible in the News Visits Hebron for a Live Interview
Jan 31, 2008 Jerusalem Covered With Snow:
Jan 24, 2008 Financial Crisis Plays into Russia's Hands
Jan 17, 2008 First Temple Seal Found in Jerusalem!
Jan 11, 2008 President Bush Visits Israel
Jan 2, 2008 Blessed is he that Watcheth!

Dec 28, 2007 Britain is Prepared to Exit Europe
Dec 20, 2007 Putin: Person of the Year
Dec 5, 2007 The Rise of Autocratic Russia!
Nov 28, 2007 Annapolis, the United States, & the Bible
Nov 21, 2007 Russia & the Nations Prepare to Crush Zionism
Nov 14, 2007 The Growing Crisis Over Jerusalem
Nov 7, 2007 "Peace, peace; when there is no peace..."
Nov 1, 2007 The 90th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
Oct 25, 2007 The Rabin Assassination and the Road to Peace
Oct 17, 2007 Bush talks of WWIII while Putin Guards Iran
Oct 10, 2007 Europes Rising Economic Power
Oct 4, 2007 The Bear Awakens
Sep 27, 2007 Why would anyone be in favour of a Palestinian state?
Sep 20, 2007 Preparing the Way of the Lord!
Sep 19, 2007 Yad Vashem Takes on Tehran Holocaust Deniers
Sep 13, 2007 Israel's Situation in the Middle East Assessed as we bring in the Jewish New Year.
Sep 6, 2007 The Old Serpent, The Devil Arises
Aug 30, 2007 Good News for Israel & the Gentiles!
Aug 22, 2007 Russia - Turned Back & Brought Forth.
Aug 16, 2007 Israeli Politics and Messianic Ideals
Aug 8, 2007 While Israel Struggles Over the West Bank, Russia Prepares!
Aug 1, 2007 Time for Israel to Wake Up!
Jul 25, 2007 A Future for Israel?
Jul 19, 2007 "By thy Sorceries Were all Nations Deceived"!
Jul 11, 2007 Discovering that the Bible is True After All!
Jul 5, 2007 Israel Turns To God In Prayer
Jun 28, 2007 Every Man's Hand against His Brother and Vatican Puppet in the Middle East
Jun 21, 2007 War with Syria in the Summer?
Jun 13, 2007 Gaza Up in Smoke!
Jun 7, 2007 Jerusalem & the West Bank in Israeli Hands
May 30, 2007 Israel in Unbelief
May 23, 2007 The Meaning Behind the Middle East Madness
May 16, 2007 The Reunification of Jerusalem & Dividing the Land
May 9, 2007 Grave of Herod the Great Murderer Found
May 4, 2007 Israel's Leadership Crisis
Apr 26, 2007 A Bear at the Throat
Apr 18, 2007 Russia, The Vatican & Israel
Apr 11, 2007 Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Judah
Apr 4, 2007 British Captives Return Home from Iran.
Mar 29, 2007 The Dispute Between Britain and Iran Escalates
Mar 21, 2007 Russia Rearms Herself and Her Allies
Mar 15, 2007 A Russian Vatican Partership?
Mar 8, 2007 German Bishops Compare Ramallah to the Warsaw Ghetto
Mar 1, 2007 The Lost Tomb of Jesus. Has it been found?
Feb 21, 2007 Anglican Church Ready to Return to Rome!
Feb 14, 2007 Russia's Putin set to Penetrate the Middle East
Feb 7, 2007 Time Up For Planet Earth?
Jan 31, 2007 Will The U.S. Attack Iran?
Jan 24, 2007 The Relationship Between Russia and Iran.
Jan 18, 2007 Iran & its Friends continue to Spurn the Power of The U.S.
Jan 12, 2007 The Mountains of Israel Populated while Gog Prepares for Herself
Jan 4, 2007 The Debate Over the Execution of Saddam Hussein

Dec 28, 2006 2006 In Retrospect
Dec 20, 2006 The Gathering Tempest.
Dec 13, 2006 Yad Vashem Takes on Tehran Holocaust Deniers
Dec 6, 2006 Israel: Another War Inevitable!
Nov 30, 2006 Benedict XVI Visits Turkey in Bid to revive Roman Christendom
Nov 23, 2006 Young Jews Pray for Redemption & for The Building of The Temple
Nov 16, 2006 The Bible Banned from Temple Mount in Jerusalem!
Nov 8, 2006 Jerusalem Today: Full of Abominations & Wickedness...
Nov 1, 2006 Israel’s Enemies Encircle her & Move into Position...
Oct 25, 2006 Putin: 'Master of All Germany'
Oct 19, 2006 Israeli P.M. Visits Putin in Russia amid growing Fears of Conflict
Oct 12, 2006 Fuel For a Future Lake of Fire?
Oct 6, 2006 The Revival of the Hebrew Language
Sep 28, 2006 Benedict Demands Respect from Muslims
Sep 20, 2006 Competing for Religious Authority & Control
Sep 14, 2006 The Last Crusade?
Sep 7, 2006 Israel Heads For Disaster...
Aug 31, 2006 Germany & The Resurrection of the European Beast
Aug 24, 2006 Lebanon War Uncovers Islamic Divisions
Aug 17, 2006 As War Ends - War Threatens!
Aug 9, 2006 Israel’s Leaders in Trouble
Aug 4, 2006 Britain's Tony Blair Confronts Islamic Extremism
Jul 26, 2006 Looking for a Solution in Rome
Jul 19, 2006 Israel has gone from Destroying Outposts to a War in Lebanon
Jul 12, 2006 The Spreading War on Terror
Jul 5, 2006 Israel's Trade with India. What does the Bible say?
Jun 28, 2006 Israel Forces Move into Gaza
Jun 22, 2006 Israel’s Prosperity: A Sign of Christ’s Return
Jun 14, 2006 Time to Impose Peace?
Jun 8, 2006 The Mountains of Israel, the Focus of the Conflict
Jun 1, 2006 An Interview with Shlomo Wollins, the Editor of Israel Reporter
May 25, 2006 Instead of Visiting Washington, Ehud Olmert Should be Reading his Bible.
May 18, 2006 The Building of the Image-empire and its Antagonism to Israel
May 11, 2006 Jews are Expelled from their Home in Hebron
May 3, 2006 A New and Ideologically Different Italian Prime Minister is Coming on the Scene
Apr 26, 2006 The Ingathering of the Exiles is Still Happening Today!
Apr 19, 2006 Jerusalem... The Key to Peace. What is needed to turn this key?
Apr 12, 2006 Controlling The Powerful Media
Apr 5, 2006 A New Government For Israel Emerging After Elections
Mar 29, 2006 Israel's Election Looks to a Unilateral Move for Fixed Borders
Mar 23, 2006 Direct From The Jerusalem Conference
Mar 15, 2006 As Israel Storms Jericho, the U.S. & Britain Blamed
Mar 8, 2006 Hamas Sanctified by the Russian "Gog"
Mar 2, 2006 Iraq: Heading for a Civil War that Could Spread?
Feb 23, 2006 The Democratic Alliance Against Israel
Feb 15, 2006 Hamas, Israel’s Election, & Peace Prospects
Feb 8, 2006 Iran and The West on the Path to War
Feb 2, 2006 As Palestinians Vote for Terror, Israel’s Army Attack Zionists
Jan 26, 2006 Pope: Vatican Mission is to Influence Leaders
Jan 18, 2006 Religious Persecution and the Israeli Settlers
Jan 14, 2006 Russia Will Overpower Europe Says Prophecy
Jan 11, 2006 Israel’s Future Changed at A Stroke!

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in the light of Bible prophecy — the Bible in the News!