1611 - 2011 The Amazing English Bible Exhibition:
Its Origin, History & Influence.
February 11, 2011 - Audio, 3.75 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
The 400th Anniversary of the king James Authorized version of the Bible has focussed considerable attention on that Book, with several events planned to take place throughout this year. Certainly, the Bible is in the News! Among those events several exhibitions are to be held in various parts of the world. Exhibitions are to be held throughout the United Kingdom, in Australia and in North America.
Arrangements are currently being made in several locations in Ontario (Canada) and in the United States for an exhibition featuring the origin, history and influence of the English Bible. The exhibition will be featuring reproductions of early translations (Tyndale's, Matthew's etc) as well as a 1607 Geneva ("Breeches") Bible, and of course a King James Bible. This exhibition will emphasize the origins of the Bible with a full size replica of the Isaiah scroll (from the Dead Sea), of the earliest recognized New Testament fragment (John Ryland) and of the Codex Sinaiticus.
The impact of the English Bible upon the history and culture of Britain is to be featured by several books in the display, including works by Joseph Mede (1650), Samuel Moreland's report to Oliver Cromwell (1658) as well as several interesting 18th century works. Many of these early books were concerned with Bible prophecies and on that basis foresaw events such as the decline and fall of the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire, the fall of the papal temporal power and the papal states, as well as the restoration of the Jews, the nation of Israel and the events concerning Jerusalem (one commentary actually stated that 1967 would witness the restoration of Jewish control of the city).
Other similar exhibitions will be seen in other parts of the world. Those in North America who would like to book this event for their locality should contact the Bible Magazine so as to arrange dates. Considerable interest is being shown so arrangements should be made as soon as possible so as to ensure availability.
We include in the print edition of the Bible in the News this week some photographs in order to convey an idea of the North American exhibit. These photographs were taken of previous exhibitions, but convey the quality and general concept of the exhibition now under construction.
Further details may be obtained from: editor@biblemagazine.com

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