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Anti-Semitism & BBC Media Bias
The Asserson Report exposes anti-Israel bias at the BBC
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October 16, 2024 - Audio, 11.59 MIN
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The recently published Asserson Report, has brought to light significant concerns regarding the BBC's coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Authored by Trevor Asserson, a prominent British-Israeli lawyer with a history of challenging media bias, this report meticulously analysed the BBC’s reporting across its English and Arabic platforms between October 7, 2023, and February 7, 2024. The report used both human analysis and AI to scrutinise nearly nine million words of coverage, highlighting over 1,500 breaches of the BBC's own editorial guidelines.

Asserson’s team of legal and data experts combed through radio broadcasts, podcasts, online articles, and TV segments to identify instances where the BBC appeared to show bias against Israel. This deep dive uncovered alarming trends, including the BBC’s disproportionate focus on alleged Israeli war crimes while downplaying or misrepresenting Hamas as a governing entity rather than a proscribed terrorist organization.

These findings expose a dangerous narrative shift that feeds global anti-Israel sentiment—a trend which aligns with the Biblical prophecies of the nations gathering against Israel in the last days.

Prophecies of Nations Against Israel

The Bible is full of prophecies that Israel, God's chosen people, would face hostility from the nations - especially in the latter days, the time when they have returned from their land from a long period of dispersion. We should expect therefore, in our time from 1948 onwards since Israel has become a natian, continued hostility towards the Jews.

Revelation 16:13-14 speaks of "three unclean spirits like frogs" that go out to the kings of the earth to gather them "to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." These "frog-like spirits" symbolise ideologies that stir up human passions and ultimately lead to conflict, preparing the way for the nations to converge against Israel.

Similarly, Ezekiel 38 foretells the invasion of Israel by a coalition led by "Gog, of the land of Magog," who will "come against my people of Israel... in the latter days" (Ezekiel 38:15-16).

This prophecy depicts a final assault on Israel by the nations, which God will decisively thwart. In Joel 3:2, God declares, "I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel." This gathering of the nations is happening not only on the battlefield but in the court of public opinion, where Israel is increasingly vilified.
These prophecies are playing out before our eyes as global institutions and the media often align in opposition to Israel. 

The biased narratives exposed by the Asserson Report are part of this growing global hostility, which must be seen in the light of these ancient prophecies.

The Asserson Report and Anti-Semitism in Media

The Asserson Report reveals deep-seated issues in the BBC’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict. One of the key findings is that Israel was far more likely to be associated with accusations of war crimes, while Hamas was portrayed in a neutral or even sympathetic light. Ian Austin for the Jewish Chronicle reported that "Hamas was referred to as a 'Health Ministry' or a 'governmental body' in multiple instances, while its terrorist activities were minimised or ignored altogether”.

A report from The Times of Israel published on the 8th of September stated “A report has found that the BBC breached its own editorial guidelines on some 1,500 occasions with its coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas… the research project led by UK lawyer Trevor Asserson and

his firm found that Israel was associated with “genocide” over 14 times more than the Hamas terror group in the British national broadcaster’s coverage of the war.”

The report highlights that the BBC Arabic service was particularly biased, often presenting Hamas in a positive light. In fact, Asserson’s team found that the British public, through their license fees, were "funding a version of Al-Jazeera"—a network known for its often anti-Israel stance. 

This slanted reporting fosters an atmosphere of anti-Semitism by skewing public perception of the conflict and delegitimizing Israel.

The report stated that the BBC failed to label Hamas as a terrorist organiation in many of its reports which violates its own editorial guidelines. These guidlines require accurate and impartial reporting. The Asserson Report directly accuses the BBC of "reckless disregard for impartiality," pointing out that its "relentless focus on Israeli actions, without similar scrutiny of Hamas, distorts the reality of the conflict and fuels anti-Israel sentiment"

These findings of course are not merely academic concerns. Media bias shapes public opinion, and by distorting the facts, such reporting can incite hatred against Jews worldwide. This global trend of rising anti-Semitism, is amplified by biased media narratives, and is precisely what the Bible warns about in the latter days.

In recent times the rise in Antisemitism has been well documented.

Back in August The Guardian ran an article entitled “Surge in UK antisemitic incidents in first half of 2024, says charity”. It stated “Antisemitic incidents in the UK more than doubled in the first half of 2024 compared with the same period the previous year, attributed to the war in Gaza, according to a leading Jewish charity. The total number of incidents recorded for the first six months of this year was 1,978. The comparable number for 2023 was 964.”

And this is not simply a UK phenomena. Fox32 reported this week that “Hacked billboards display 'antisemitic' messages in Chicago suburb” It reported that the digital displays showed hate messages including "DEATH TO ISRAEL" on them with the Palestinian flag used as the background.

Ynet News ran a report on 16th October entitled “Antisemitic incidents up 670% in Canada since October 7”. It stated “Canada has seen a staggering 670% rise in reported antisemitic incidents since October 7, 2023, compared to the same period last year, according to a report released by the Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combatting Antisemitism on Tuesday. “.

These reports go to show the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel stance the world is currently taking on Israel, especially since its attacks on Gaza and now in the North in Lebanon. And these are from nations considered to be Israel’s Allies. It goes without saying that Israel’s blatant enemies are even more openly hostile against the people of Israel.

The biased media, as illustrated by The Asserson Report is a key part of this hostility.

Biblical Perspective on Truth and Justice

As Bible students, we understand that these events are not isolated but are part of a larger prophetic framework. The growing alignment of nations and institutions against Israel is a clear sign that we are nearing the fulfilment of God’s purpose.

Zechariah 12:3 reminds us that in the last days, Jerusalem will be "a burdensome stone for all people," and all who burden themselves with it will be cut to pieces.

The Asserson Report underscores the role that media bias plays in burdening Israel and aligning public opinion against her.


The Asserson Report offers a sobering view of how media bias, particularly at the BBC, is contributing to the rising tide of global anti-Semitism. This bias is not just a journalistic failure but a sign of the times, as the nations increasingly gather against Israel in accordance with Biblical prophecy.

As prophetic watchers, living in these latter days, we recognise these events as evidence that God’s purpose is unfolding, and the return of Christ is near.

Let us remain watchful, continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and look forward to the establishment of God’s Kingdom, when Christ will reign in righteousness and Israel will be exalted among the nations.

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