A Review of Prophecy Fulfilling in 2008
A special presentation reviewing prophecy fulfilling with a focus on the current events in Gaza.
January 7, 2009 - Audio, 57.50 MIN
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This week Bible in the News presents a lecture delivered by David Billington, presenting an analysis of the Bible in the News in 2008. David identifies the year's trends along with the forces and ideologies driving events. Due to the length of this lecture, there will not be a full transcription this week, other than this short introduction:
The idea expressed on this Economist magazine cover, “The world on the edge” is probably how many of us may reflect on the year 2008. The financial crisis made all of us feel “on the edge”, and many of us still feel an uncertainty about the future. This crisis has reminded us of the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 6: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.”
2008 began with President Bush visiting Israel to push the “Two state solution” to the Mideast problem.
At the beginning of March there was the brutal terrorist attack on the Mercaz Ha’Rav Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
In April the Pope visited the United States, on that occasion, the Associated Press reported that: “His 90-minute visit to the White House — only the second ever by a pope — was accompanied by the kind of pomp and pageantry rarely seen even on grounds accustomed to welcoming royalty and the world’s most important leaders.” This is the exact opposite of the Lord Jesus Christ who said: “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”
It was in August that Russia invaded Georgia — an event that shook the world and revealed the new powerful Russia that the west did not know what to do with. This event is of major significance and has changed the future of Europe and the balance of power on that continent. Russia is at it again this week, as they turn off the gas supply to the Ukraine. Will the Ukraine be next? The real question is: Who will dominate the new Europe?
During 2008, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was surrounded by corruption charges and eventually resigned as a result. Olmert set out with a goal to dismantle the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, yet events did not allow him to do so. What is surprising is that during Olmert’s tenure as Prime Minister the Jewish population of West Bank settlements grew from 250,000 to 300,000. The West Bank settlements are at the heart of the mid-east problem and are in fact the global focus of most statesmen and diplomats representing the world’s most powerful nations. Why are the stakes so high over one small mountainous, land locked, piece of land in the Middle East?
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