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Hamas' Leaders in Turkey, Following Rumours of Expulsion from Qatar
Is this the beginning of the end for Hamas?
Saturday, November 23, 2024
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Since 2012 Hamas’ leadership have lived in luxury in Qatar. While ordering their military wing into conflicts with Israel from far, the leaders have lived in complete safety and comfort with easy access to the West.
However, earlier this month the Biden Administration announced that Qatar had made the decision to expel Hamas from the country ending Qatar being a haven for the terror group.
This has then been disputed by both Hamas and Qatar. First Hamas claimed there had been no change at all, and then Qatar claimed that they were just ending their role as a negotiator between Israel and Hamas. They said they believed that the parties were currently not willing to make a deal.
Qatar later confirmed that Hamas’ leadership had left for Ankara in Turkey, although they did not state whether this was permanent. Israeli media outlet KAN news said that Hamas had been told “You are not welcome here”. Qatar has firmly denied this claim, but the fact remains that Hamas’ key figures have left - at least for now.
It could be that following pressure from the Americans Qatar indeed agreed to expel Hamas, but wished to do so quietly, without being seen to turn their back on the Palestinian terror group. At the very least Hamas’ situation in Qatar has significantly changed.
Should this be the case it would be a major blow to Hamas. Their location in Qatar has been perfect in many ways. Comfortably distant from Israel, with good links with the West, but also good links to Iran.
Should Hamas need a new haven outside Qatar, In many ways Turkey would be the obvious choice. It also is a good distance from Israel, also with good links to the west - so much so it even enjoys NATO membership.
Should Hamas set up their main offices in Turkey it will be interesting to see how NATO countries - particularly the United States (under the Trump administration) react. Turkey has for many years walked a tightrope of enjoying the benefits of NATO membership, while also having a very different foreign policy to the rest of NATO. It would be the latest in a long string of decisions by Turkey that would anger the Americans. In 1974 they invaded Cyrus leading to a U.S. arms embargo, more recently purchased the Russian made S-400 air defense systems, and have made their military and economic ties with Russia and China closer in recent years. They have even made threats against fellow NATO countries. Turkey has for many years been the odd one out in NATO, seemingly more friendly with it’s enemy NATO.
Could this be the final straw for NATO in regards to Turkey? It is no secret that in his first term, Trump railed against nations which did not keep up their “NATO commitments” and did threaten to show these nations the door.
This is of interest to Bible students for two separate reasons.
We expect Israel to be at peace at the time of the end.
In Gaza, Hamas is on the ropes. They have endured an all out war with the strongest superpower of the Middle East for over a year. Most of their leadership is dead, a large number of their fighters are dead or wounded, almost all of their infrastructure is destroyed, their northern ally Hezbollah is in even worse of a state. Add to this the Israeli government’s steadfast resolve that Hamas will not be able to rule Gaza again, and an Israeli friendly Trump Administration on its way and the future for Hamas does not look very bright.
No doubt Hamas will be able to reform as a underground terror group, similar to it’s position in the late 90s, but it’s possible they could suffer from what I like to call “Ezra’s Temple Syndrome” - a situation where morale is shattered due to the comparative insignificance of the rebuilt version of something which was once strong or impressive. A Hamas fighter might ask the question, “If we couldn’t beat Israel with total rule of Gaza, support from other Arab nations and an endless supply of arms from Iran, how can we hope to defeat Israel as an underground rabble with some improvised arms?”. A pro-Israel Trump administration in Washington, Hamas being expelled from Qatar, and perhaps even a Israel-Saudi peace agreement in the future would all add to this.
Russia either controls, or is allied with Turkey at the time of the end.
Ezekiel 38 talks of Togarmah “and all his bands” being with Gog. Togarmah is generally understood to be the area where Turkey is now located. It is suggested that Gog will have already come down and taken Turkey before the main attack in Ezekiel 38. How could this happen if Turkey is in NATO? A full scale war between Russia and NATO would likely mean the end of the world - something we do not see in Bible prophecy. We expect Turkey’s ties to the West to reduce.
The events going forward will certainly be of great interest, so join us again next week for another edition of Bible in the News.