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The Bible in the News
Interview in Jerusalem with Yehudah Glick
Bible Prophecy. Zion. The Temple Mount. The Family.
Saturday, April 01, 2023  Audio & Print versions

David Billington speaking with Yehudah Glick for Bible in the News.

This week for Bible in the News, we were able to sit down with Rabbi Yehudah Glick in Jerusalem. Yehudah is a former member of the Israeli parliament - the Knesset, he served as Executive Director of the Temple Institute, and currently serves as the President of the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation ( He also encourages people from all over the world to connect to Zion and helps people to ascend the Temple Mount. He looks for the day when Zion will be known as a house of prayer for all nations.

To learn more about Yehudah Glick's work visit:

We talked about his current work, his organization to help widows and orphans in Israel, fulfilling Bible Prophecy today and more.

We hope you enjoy this interview and to hear a unique perspective from the land of Israel.

Thanks for listening to Bible in the News, this has been David Billington with you. Please visit every week at

Printed:  Saturday, April 01, 2023


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